Flavor: fig
Price: 200JPY
Yummy: ★★★★☆
Comments: Is very natural taste. Is not so hard like as NY style. If you don't like hard bagel, you will like it.
There is much of dried fig so I can feel fig taste. That is great.
The shop is selling all stuff made in Hiroshima. You can have yummy Hiroshima Okonomiyaki there.
You can feel Hiroshima even you live in Tokyo.
Please click for my blog.
Comments: Is very natural taste. Is not so hard like as NY style. If you don't like hard bagel, you will like it.
There is much of dried fig so I can feel fig taste. That is great.
The shop is selling all stuff made in Hiroshima. You can have yummy Hiroshima Okonomiyaki there.
You can feel Hiroshima even you live in Tokyo.
Please click for my blog.
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